Bifurcation of Marital Status aka Status Only Judgment
What in the World is a Bifurcation? If someone were to ask me to identify the single biggest myth I’ve encountered over my many years of practicing family law, it would be the belief that a divorce is finalized by the mere passage of six months. This is simply not true. Six months merely represents the earliest possible date judgment can be entered. The six months does not begin to...Read More

Civil Harassment Restraining Orders
What is a Civil Harassment Restraining Order? When one thinks of restraining orders, the first thing that may come to mind is domestic violence restraining orders (DVROs) which are issued by the family court and used to enjoin violence, stalking, harassing and similar behavior between parties who have a blood or familial relationship. For instance, married parties, couples who used to...Read More

Contempt Actions 101
The Other Party in My Case Isn’t Complying with a Court Order – Help! You’ve been to court and obtained an order for custody, support, property control or something similar. What a relief, or so you thought. Unfortunately, the other party is not complying with the court order. What can you do? File an action for contempt. What Exactly is a Contempt Action? A contempt action is a...Read More

Date of Separation in Divorce
What Exactly is My Date of Separation? A Petition for Dissolution must set forth two dates. One is the date of marriage, the other the date of separation. The date of marriage is rarely in question. The date of separation, however, can become a point of contention. The Significance of the Dates In general terms, community property is all property acquired during the marriage; that...Read More

Coronavirus and Family Law
Coronavirus (COVID-19) has obviously been forefront in the news these past few weeks. The everchanging developments are causing great uncertainty and panic. Schools are closed, and the government has implemented a statewide shelter in place directive. This is causing some parents to review their custody orders, as they may not be sure who is responsible for the child(ren) during...Read More

Child Custody and Visitation Agreement
Do We Need a Child Custody and Visitation Agreement? It may seem oddly formal to think about a child custody and visitation agreement that will schedule the time that you spend with your kids. However, in any kind of child custody situation, you need one. A visitation schedule helps maintain sanity and stability, for you and your kids. Generally, the process involves sitting down with the...Read More